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Workflow solutions for Hedge Funds

Efficiently manage processes for trading operations, fund accounting, NAV, compliance efforts & more in a single tool.

How can Hedge Funds use OpsCheck?

OpsCheck is a customizable workflow & task management system designed for operational efficiency. Our flexible SaaS-based system elevates your level of control and administrative oversight for all hedge fund operations.

Advanced workflow technology

OpsCheck brings advanced technology to hedge fundspecific operations with seamless management of tasks and workflows, while also strengthening your compliance foundation.


Deep operational visibility

Meet the needs of regulators, clients or C-level executives with clear, detailed access to your ecosystem clearly displaying processes and helping build a sound operational infrastructure.

Complete operations control

Reduce risk by creating and controlling cloud-based access to day-to-day tasks, workflow and more. Boost efficiency with team coordination and short- and long-term goal management.

An application for Hedge Funds

OpsCheck was designed to give Hedge Fund managers full visibility and control of operations.
workflow management system software - Opscheck
  • Cloud-based Hedge fund operations control
  • Powerful Hedge fund-specific reporting and notifications
  • Flexible workflow and task management solutions for Hedge fund managers
  • Demonstrate operational excellence to auditors, regulators, or clients
  • Stay on track with global compliance regulations like FATCA, KYC, CRS, AIFMD, Form PF & more
  • Greatly improved team efficiency and accountability
  • Coordinate across teams, offices, and timezones
  • Flexible integration with third party applications such as CRM and Capital Raising
  • Centralized communication hub for entire organization
  • Provide transparency to regulators and clients with a clear audit trail

Built for Hedge Funds

As portfolio managers and traders execute investment decisions, the amount of work and responsibility for all non-investment functions becomes increasingly challenging. Whether you perform these functions internally or outsource them, the responsibility to accurately accomplish these jobs remain with the investment advisor. These tasks include middle and back office operations, valuations, performance measurement, management company and fund accounting, investor relations, treasury, compliance, and all other functions to manage business operations. Mitigating operational risk and preventing operational failures are paramount. OpsCheck elevates your level of control and oversight for any and all of these functions.

Is OpsCheck A Good Fit For Your Firm?

Is OpsCheck A Good Fit For Your Firm?

linkedintwitterYou may be asking yourself, is OpsCheck a good fit for our firm? That question is crucial because there are a few scenarios where OpsCheck is not the right option. There are pros and cons associated with any service, of course. But OpsCheck is not a...

OpsCheck Testimonial: Travis Breznak 

OpsCheck Testimonial: Travis Breznak 

linkedintwitterProfessionals in financial operations, especially in accounting, live by checklists. That means they use Excel. But Excel checklists tend to become messy. As accountants know, they must be rolled forward constantly. In fact, accounting and financial...

OpsCheck Testimonial: Jason Etherington

OpsCheck Testimonial: Jason Etherington

linkedintwitter In 2019, hedge fund asset manager East Lodge Capital wasn’t using any software as an operational management tool. Then the pandemic happened. Now leaders at the London-based firm overseeing more than $ 1 billion use OpsCheck “religiously,” said Chief...

Frequently asked questions
Does OpsCheck have different levels of user access?
Yes, OpsCheck contains “user roles” that can be configured for each individual in the firm. This customization gives users access to what they need to see, and filters out features and data that they do not need.
Is my firm’s activity in OpsCheck auditable?

OpsCheck contains a full and exportable audit trail with robust filtering to retrieve and verify the status of any task and track all changes. OpsCheck was built with the integrity of data being paramount.

Can I access OpsCheck from my mobile devices?

Yes. OpsCheck has a mobile friendly website on the go.

Does OpsCheck support two factor authorization and/or SAML login?

Yes, OpsCheck supports both.

Does OpsCheck integrate with third party apps?
Yes. OpsCheck has built an API for Firms to customize app interaction. Please contact us regarding and questions regarding API.
Will my data be safe?
OpsCheck is compliant with all major security standards, and has scored exceptionally in security audits.
See how OpsCheck can upgrade
your Business Operations
Get 60 days of OpsCheck free and see how our SaaS-based tool improves your workflow!
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